On the other hand, life satisfaction is more connected to subjective happiness. This concept depends on various factors such as having a job, having a home, having a family, living good, to name a few. In my opinion, everybody should feel more satisfactory and happy with simply things such as a hug, sharing with families or friends, help another people, among other things. Broadly speaking, people do not appreciate these actions.
Every day is totally different, therefore, every day I can find new things. In my case, I have been the happiest moments of my life. For instance, this year my niece was born, I met my current boyfriend, was my nephew’s godmother, to name a few.
It is difficult to choose someone that inspires me having a positive attitude. Nevertheless, in this opportunity I choose my boyfriend because he is always giving support when I had bad mark o had other problems.
On the other hand, if I could choose any job, I would choose to be flight attendant. I consider this job very interesting because people, who work in this, can travel and know different countries. Therefore, they need to know several languages to communicate with people are travelling. I think I would enjoy this job because in spite of having the same routine, serve people in every trip; every trip is totally different with the one before. Therefore, people who are flight attendant do the same activity, but with different persons. That would be fun for me, especially if I can get out of the same old routine and share with different people too. Unfortunately, I do not anyone who is working this job.
To conclude with this, I like all things connected to trips, especially where I could know some areas such as green areas, or something with water like cascade. If some day will not have the opportunity to get this job, I would like to travel around the world and know places less common or less well-know.
Nowadays, we can see a lot of people with disability, and they are limited to do the same things like others people. There are a lot of cases which they have fought to get better life. A case well-know is about Daniela García who wrote and expressed in her book about her testimony and accident where she had fallen on a train. Moreover, we can see people who do not have any health problem, and some of them challenge their lives with extreme experience.
To begin with, an accident can change the life in few seconds. When these situations happen, some people feel that their life have finished. However, other people consider that the life is a wonderful gift and do not give up easily. Daniela’s case, she said she considered the same aims than before the accident, and road she chose is the best example, the overcoming. Daniela said the love of her family, her boyfriend and her friends has been fundamental to her progress.
On the other hand, people who do not have health problem do not appreciate their life. Some of them think that they are lucky and will not have accidents. Therefore, they do different activities without matter what happen after. For instance, people make paraglide, they believe that are safe, but there are possibilities that it is not working quite right, and this can produce an unexpected accident.
In my opinion, an accident can change the life for good or bad. What I am trying to say is, it depends on person how can consider it. Some people believe that everybody needs to fight in spite of hard road for covering. On the other hand, people enjoy doing some activities from which they could get some injury or could be worse, to die in the attempt.
To begin with, Facebook is my favourite website. I remember when my brother-in-law said to me about this website a few years ago. He told me he had signed up because famous people were using it too. In that moment, this website did not interest in me. After weeks, I had heard some people close to me were utilizing too. Therefore, I decided to sing up and to know more about it. In the beginning, I did not know to do and not understood anything.
I like this website because I can find a lot of things such as comments, photos, and applications are stupid, ridiculous, real, and false, among other things. Some of them make this website fun and interesting. Moreover, I enjoy playing its games; especially games are connected to the mental skill like “who has the biggest brain” or strategic skill for example, “mahjong zen”.
Nowadays, I am not playing these games because I need time to do other things like my homework or studies. Therefore, I use this website to know some information, communicate with other person and doing something when I am bored.
However, some aspects I do not like is some applications that it is necessary that like you to see the contents, and when people want to add you and not even I know them.
In this website, we can find a lot of articles about Education. In my case, I have never visited it before. Moreover, in this opportunity I wanted to change typical websites such as MINEDUC or Education 2020, among other things. I chose an article about the importance of a good diet especially when young people enter to superior education. This article struck my attention because this situation is the same with me. Why? To be honest, sometimes I prefer do not eat anything because I do not have hungry or I need that time to do my homework or study. Furthermore, I hate to take food to university since my backpack is very heavy with my lunch. I had said before, sometimes. In other moments, I do not think that, what I try to say is sometimes I am hungry and find it an excellent food.
Anyway, as I was saying, this article teaches us diet can influence on academic performance. If people do not take their breakfast, they do not start the day with energy; if people do not take their lunch, they do not keep the rhythm and the concentration; if people do not take their dinner, they do not can recharge their organism’s energy. This piece of news is directed to everybody, especially parents who do not pay attention at all their children. In addition, this article is aimed at university students too. Parents consider that their children are adults; therefore, they do not worry about them. In spite of the fact that their children have age enough to do things for themselves, they are their children. If parent worry about them, it is possible their children get better marks than other guys.
Main website: http://educacion.123.cl/
Article: http://www.123.cl/adm_cont/educacion/alumnos/articulo_1049_b.html
In the case on the video, the idea is to reduce a high percent of people living on the country; especially people are in the poverty. For me, it is the excellent idea; however, the result will be in years and not these days. Therefore, what can we do now? To begin with, owners are the main responsible of the situation, because they select people with a certain characteristic for them company; and some of them, prefer to contract foreign people, causing a lot of people living in the country don’t have a job. Then, one solution for this is the government, especially institutions like municipalities, can proffer some courses such as confectioner or to build a piece of furniture, among other things, where they can facilitate more opportunities to get ahead with their own hands.
What I have learnt from the whole strike plus the video, which people can join to express their opinion, when they don’t agree with the specific topic. There are a lot of examples to cause a change, to name a few demonstrations or help to people like some programs to go out of the poverty. In these cases, it depends on everyone participate in all things to cause the real and big change in the society. Besides, in the case of the strike, it is very important to get information and know what happens around us. This case, I learnt to read more and more about this topic, and I don’t want to be a person who just receive information and don’t think about it.
Bon Jovi - Living on a prayer (Live in Chile 2010)
Not so long ago
Tommy used to work on the docks
Union's been on strike
He's down on his luck...it's tough, so tough
Gina works the diner all day
Working for her man, she brings home her pay
For love - for love
She says we've got to hold on to what we've got
'Cause it doesn't make a difference
If we make it or not
We've got each other and that's a lot
For love - we'll give it a shot
Whooah, we're half way there
Livin' on a prayer
Take my hand and we'll make it - I swear
Livin' on a prayer
Tommy's got his six string in hock
Now he's holding in what he used
To make it talk - so tough, it's tough
Gina dreams of running away
When she cries in the night
Tommy whispers baby it's okay, someday
We've got to hold on to what we've got
'Cause it doesn't make a difference
If we make it or not
We've got each other and that's a lot
For love - we'll give it a shot
We've got to hold on ready or not
You live for the fight when it's all that you've got
Scientists have discovered the fossil of a giant that lived 36 million years ago in Peru. For me, it is very surprising how a fossil you can get information during a long period of time, such as showing features of the plumage. This bird, named paracasensis Inkayacu, had a long, straight beak, much longer than its modern relatives. In addition, the colour of penguin feathers reddish brown and grey to black-and-white today. Moreover, if the penguins are so heavy, they can submerge deeper.
More information: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/science-environment-11420635
One of the main characters is Elizabeth; she is the second of five daughters of Mr Bennet, and preferred by her father for her intelligence and vivacity, qualities that made her the least to her mother. Charles Bingley arrived to the region; he was young, single and well-off who immediately all the ladies put on the look in him, especially Mrs Bennet. In a dance there was an opportunity to meet Bingley, who had attended with the company of his two sisters, his brother and a friend, Fitzwilliam Darcy. Bingley showed his good manners and danced with Jane, a beautiful girl, sensitive and good heart, who felt an immediate attraction. On the contrary, Darcy disillusioned everybody was there with his proud character, in spite of being much man than the first and more attractive. He did not want to take part in this dance, so Bingley was offered to dance with Elizabeth, who looked down on her for not being pretty enough. Elizabeth was not angry, however, she could have a first image unpleasant man.
Nevertheless, the next opportunities they could meet better, Elizabeth caused a pleasant impression in Darcy wit his simple and playful. So went the story in which Jane Austen, in a sense light and fun, described the story of how the two young came to know well in different meeting, in which to accept, Darcy must overcome their pride and arrogance, and Elizabeth change the prejudice that had made him.
On the other hand, I consider identifying with them above all when I dance in my folklore group. In my group, we see different styles dances and customs and we try to do the same than them such as wearing their clothes or typical steps. Therefore, I consider identifying with them and I try doing my best.
In my opinion, “Chilean culture” means for me like traditions and customs that only Chileans people do such as flying a kite or the dance festival of La Tirana among other things. However, there are a lot of customs that Chilean people copy to other countries to name a few Halloween or Merry Christmas; nowadays are parts of our own customs.

The title is related with the story because this book tells us about woman's life, considering her childhood until her marriage. The main character, Jane Eyre, is an orphan because her parents died when she was 10 years old. In the book, we can see different places where the story is developed, to name a few Gateshead or Lowood School.
To begin with, Gateshead was the place where she was living her uncle’s family when she was a child and her parents died. In this place, she did not receive a good deal. Jane’s aunt, Sarah Reed, sent her at Lowood School, where Mr. Brocklehurst, who runs the school, shames her in the front of assembly. Some years after, Jane has become a teacher and advertises her services as a governess, and to obtain a job in Thornfield Hall. Here, she found her real love.
On the other hand, the writer tries to prove us and valuing the value of our own life. The writer shows us and he wants emphasizing the values such as moral value or love value, among other things. In the first case, she was conscious that it is not correct to get married with someone had not finished his first marriage. In the second case, there are a lot of example of love and lack of love too, as in the relationship between Jane and Mrs. Reed.
In my personal opinion, the main lesson of the story is “never ever give up”. In the book, Jane Eyre was always fighting against the problems was around in her life, and she could get ahead. In my case, everyday I am fighting for arriving at the level that this University hopes to relative to me.
"Juventud en éxtasis" - Carlos Cuauhtémoc Sánchez - M 863 S211 je c.1

Juventud en extasis, shows the readers topics related to engagement and premarital sex, providing young people means to say no to the peer pressures and to make the best decisions in their intimate relationships.
To begin with, this book has connection with our reality because nowadays teenagers have more sex than before. Young people only think to enjoy the moment; however, a little percent of them know the consequences that they can have such as getting venereal infections, sexual illnesses or even getting pregmant.
The main character, Efrén Alveal, always looked for sexual satisfaction and therefore he always established relationships through sex. He got used to fool girls in order to have sex with them. Nevertheless, in his last sexual relation, he didn’t feel good. In that moment, he started to read and inquiring about some consequence that could happen after the sex. In my personal opinion, people have to be informed before having sex and to know the risks that they are going under. I believe people in general need to be cautious in this matter.
In addition, young people aren’t the only ones responsible for this; it depends largely on parents and schools too. In the book, Efrén’s mother worked all day and didn’t see him nor took care of him. Efrén grew alone and never received sexual education. In my case, I remembered that my school had never given me some information about that. In my parent’s case, they had said to me “take care of you!”. I knew about this topic thank to my friends and some articles I read on the Internet. It is very important to have confidence with parents because they are our pillars in our lives.
On the other hand, the book deals with abortion. In my view, people are free and it is their option to have sex whenever, wherever and with whoever. Nonetheless, if they have sex and if the woman gets pregnant, they will have to be a responsible couple and taking charge of their children.
To begin with, I don’t consider wild CAT person. I mean, some women are called “kitten”, but in my case, I’m only Yaela. People really know me know that. However, I agree with the test because I found it accurate with myself. I don’t consider all things the test is the truth. For example, “you love felling the sea breeze in your hair, sun on your skin”; maybe I like to feel that breeze, but I don’t like receive sun on my skin. In that case, I prefer to look after my body and skin too.
I found this test fun and interesting too because you could find different options. For this reason, for me was complicated to choose some one because there were a lot of things I liked and I didn’t know which select.
Maybe the answer showed me possible situations I would like to live some day. Besides, it expressed some moments and places I had lived with my friends and other people near to me.
On the other hand, this test isn’t seeing all the potential in me because there were a few and general questions. Perhaps, for getting specific answer, they should add more questions and other options too. For instance, the question “my kind of drink” I chose natural juice, but in the same question I saw the similar picture with natural orange juice. So what is the difference? For me is the same.
During the afternoons, I did different things and I always had some plans with my friends, but in particular with my boyfriend. In the first case, my friends and I enjoyed to watch diverse folklore groups. Other thing we enjoyed was a fancy dress party. In that moment, everybody was with them wonderful and fun fancy dresses. On the other hand, I spent more time with my boyfriend. Daniel and I visited malls, museums, cinemas, even we went to Viña del Mar for the day in secret, I mean, nobody knew about our plan because we wanted to do different routine. In my case, I had never known Viña del Mar before, so this experience was wonderful for me. However, I had a mishap with my jean and the only thing I wanted was to buy some tights in a craft fair or on the street. This situation was so funny and embarrassing too.
To conclude, I can say I really enjoyed my holidays. I did a lot of things and shared with people I love specially with people near to me.