In this website, we can find a lot of articles about Education. In my case, I have never visited it before. Moreover, in this opportunity I wanted to change typical websites such as MINEDUC or Education 2020, among other things. I chose an article about the importance of a good diet especially when young people enter to superior education. This article struck my attention because this situation is the same with me. Why? To be honest, sometimes I prefer do not eat anything because I do not have hungry or I need that time to do my homework or study. Furthermore, I hate to take food to university since my backpack is very heavy with my lunch. I had said before, sometimes. In other moments, I do not think that, what I try to say is sometimes I am hungry and find it an excellent food.
Anyway, as I was saying, this article teaches us diet can influence on academic performance. If people do not take their breakfast, they do not start the day with energy; if people do not take their lunch, they do not keep the rhythm and the concentration; if people do not take their dinner, they do not can recharge their organism’s energy. This piece of news is directed to everybody, especially parents who do not pay attention at all their children. In addition, this article is aimed at university students too. Parents consider that their children are adults; therefore, they do not worry about them. In spite of the fact that their children have age enough to do things for themselves, they are their children. If parent worry about them, it is possible their children get better marks than other guys.
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