To begin with, I don’t consider wild CAT person. I mean, some women are called “kitten”, but in my case, I’m only Yaela. People really know me know that. However, I agree with the test because I found it accurate with myself. I don’t consider all things the test is the truth. For example, “you love felling the sea breeze in your hair, sun on your skin”; maybe I like to feel that breeze, but I don’t like receive sun on my skin. In that case, I prefer to look after my body and skin too.
I found this test fun and interesting too because you could find different options. For this reason, for me was complicated to choose some one because there were a lot of things I liked and I didn’t know which select.
Maybe the answer showed me possible situations I would like to live some day. Besides, it expressed some moments and places I had lived with my friends and other people near to me.
On the other hand, this test isn’t seeing all the potential in me because there were a few and general questions. Perhaps, for getting specific answer, they should add more questions and other options too. For instance, the question “my kind of drink” I chose natural juice, but in the same question I saw the similar picture with natural orange juice. So what is the difference? For me is the same.
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