To begin with, price and prejudice is situated in a reality in England in the early 19th century. The story was based a particular situation of the Bennet family. This family was composed with both parents and their five daughters (Jane, Elizabeth, Mary, and Catherine and Lydia). They did not have a good economic situation, for this reason, Mrs. Benner wanted to find husbands for her daughters quickly.
One of the main characters is Elizabeth; she is the second of five daughters of Mr Bennet, and preferred by her father for her intelligence and vivacity, qualities that made her the least to her mother. Charles Bingley arrived to the region; he was young, single and well-off who immediately all the ladies put on the look in him, especially Mrs Bennet. In a dance there was an opportunity to meet Bingley, who had attended with the company of his two sisters, his brother and a friend, Fitzwilliam Darcy. Bingley showed his good manners and danced with Jane, a beautiful girl, sensitive and good heart, who felt an immediate attraction. On the contrary, Darcy disillusioned everybody was there with his proud character, in spite of being much man than the first and more attractive. He did not want to take part in this dance, so Bingley was offered to dance with Elizabeth, who looked down on her for not being pretty enough. Elizabeth was not angry, however, she could have a first image unpleasant man.
Nevertheless, the next opportunities they could meet better, Elizabeth caused a pleasant impression in Darcy wit his simple and playful. So went the story in which Jane Austen, in a sense light and fun, described the story of how the two young came to know well in different meeting, in which to accept, Darcy must overcome their pride and arrogance, and Elizabeth change the prejudice that had made him.